Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ruth and Bo(az)

Ruth's Redemption. When I saw the name to the novel by Marlene Banks, I was instantly intrigued. Since the book was by Moody Press, I thought it might have some parallels to the story of Ruth and Boaz, especially after a quick glance at the back showed another main character in the story by the name of Bo.

Marlene Banks did well to craft her story. I found that the flow of the story for the majority of the book was appropriately paced. I further enjoyed her integration with the Nat Turner rebellion. I always enjoy a piece of historical fiction that is mindful of the mindset of the area in which it resides. There is good historical fiction and bad historical fiction. As long as the author researches properly, the story will be a success.

This for me is what drives the success of Marlene Bank's novel. If anything, my only critique was that it was not long enough. I found the end to be a bit rushed as we began to wrap up the story, however in a way there might not have been much to say.

The similarity to Ruth and Boaz was really the theme of the entire novel for me. I enjoyed the parallel story. It's for this reason that I give Ruth's Redemption 5/5 stars and suggest each of you take the time to read this story.

I received this book for free from Moody Publishers in return for my honest review.