In Viral, Leonard Sweet takes the time to look at two prominent groups of individuals. He terms them Gutenbergers and Googlers and the difference between them is how they relate to one another.
While Gutenbergers primarily work with understanding words and their meaning via academic means, Googlers work with others to decipher meaning. Googlers are more in motion as opposed to static.
I found it a bit difficult at first to get into Sweet's writing, however as the book progressed, I found it easier as the flow picked up. Within the Christian church, as culture has evolved, we've often been left 'behind the times.' It's important to be with the times as culture evolves in order to reach out and touch others more.
I find it important to mention that while the Googler era can bring connection, it's not necessarily a great way to 'reach out' to others. It certainly has a time and a place, but it is not something that one should live their life by.
In today's age and society, living virtually can consume an individual, they can lose themselves to a second life, forgetting the big world outside and around them. While Sweet seemed inclined to lean towards the Googler group, I appreciated his willingness and attempt to engage both sides as opposed to heavily endorsing or loathing one. All too often we concern ourselves with whether or not Jesus would do a particular thing, perhaps instead of asking if Jesus would have a Facebook we should consider how Jesus would use His Facebook?
For a well thought out book, I give Viral by Leonard Sweet 4/5 stars. You should take time to read this book if you seek to better understand Gutenbergers or Googlers. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for my honest review.